Choosing the Right Shape Conference Table for Your Meeting Space

A conference table is a necessity for any business with the space to bring the team together in person for productive collaboration. But with all the different conference table shapes available, how do you choose the right one for your business?

The shape of your conference table can have a significant impact on the flow and productivity of your meeting. Some layouts facilitate passive learning while others are great for group discussions. When designing your meeting rooms, it’s important to keep in mind how many people the room needs to accommodate and what types of meetings will take place there. Let’s review some common conference table shapes.


Rectangular tables are a classic layout and create an environment conducive to open discussion and strategic decision making. This type of table arrangement allows everyone to see each other and promotes open communication. It also allows for a clear line of sight between the presenter and the audience, making it ideal for presentations.


Circular conference tables are great for collaborative work and customer interactions since they encourage intimacy. Round tables provide a sense of togetherness and leave colleagues feeling like they belong to the group. Unlike rectangular tables, round tables give guests a sense of equality and creativity and are great way to boost problem-solving among the group.


Racetrack tables are a great option for conference rooms because they strike a balance between rectangular and round tables. The rounded ends help to create a more inclusive feeling making everyone feel valued.



This unique shape can give your conference room a modern, elegant appearance. Boat-shaped tables are similar to rectangular tables, but have curved edges that allow enough space for people to spread out. They can be designed with one side flat so they can sit flush against the wall making it easier to meet around monitors for virtual meetings.


Modular tables are a versatile and cost-effective solution for businesses who want to get the most out of their space. They can be reconfigured to suit a variety of needs, from training sessions and board meetings to conference calls and more. Their size, shape and function make them an ideal choice for businesses who want a flexible and adaptable solution.


Custom Solutions

Conference tables have a significant impact on the style and function of your meeting room.

At Custom Crafters, we pride ourselves on our consultative approach to creating the perfect conference room table for your needs. We work with you closely to bring your designs to life, whether you need one table or fifty. We're dedicated to helping create the perfect solution for your business. Contact us at to get started today.


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